Saturday, February 2, 2008

How to Squid: Adding Modules

When I left you, we had just entered information in the first module of your first lens. You're doing great!

Toward the top of your page (see screencap from previous blog entry) you will see a magical button called Add Modules. Go ahead, click on it now.

The default tab is Starter Package. There are several other tabs, and different modules under each. We are not going to learn every module today. We are just going to start with some of those I use in many lens start-ups.

Your first module today will be the Text/Write Module. Click the orange Add link once. You might not notice anything happen, but don't keep clicking or you'll add a dozen of them. Below the Starter Package tab, you'll see another box and the words You've Added: with the name(s) of the module(s) you selected. For starters, we'll add one at a time. Click the Save button toward the bottom.

Now, below your original Introduction module, you will see the header for your new Text/Write Module and the words "No contents yet - please edit this module to customize its settings" below that. Click on the Edit button in the header to begin customizing your new module.

Give your module a title. This can be skipped, but remember that it creates a "subhead" on your finished lens that helps break up the page. I'm not going to hold your hand through this whole process, so come up with something on your own. The subtitle can also be skipped, but is a good place to put a few words about why this module exists. Now start entering your text. Note that you have a limit: "The limit is 10,000 characters." but don't worry about counting characters ... you'll see under your text box, that Squidoo is doing it for you. Good boy, nice squid.

Said all you got to say? You have the option of adding a photo to this module as well. Your choice. Again, obey the basic and polite directions given: ".jpg or .gif files under 1 MB, please" and all will be just dandy. There is no Upload Photo button this time. I don't know why. Click on Save, and you'll be magically transported back to your main lens creation page. Just see for yourself!

Your page is now only slightly more interesting. If you tried to Publish now, the squid would slap you on the wrist. Go ahead, click on Publish, with only two modules in place, and see what happens. (Be sure to obey the squid, so we end up on the same page when you're done testing him.)

All right, time to introduce another new module. Let's start with Amazon. Go to Add Modules, then click on Amazon twice. (You should see "You've Added: Amazon (2)" below.) Click Save.

Some modules have settings within them that give very different results when displayed. We are going to add three items to each so you can see what happens. For fun, let's add a book, a DVD, and a CD that you like to the first module, and then a book, a DVD, and a CD that you don't like. Click on Edit in the header of the first Amazon module.

The top looks a bit like a Text/Write Module ... choose a title, choose a subtitle (or none) and a brief description of what you're about to offer. Below that, you'll see two tabs, with Pick Your Products on top. I like to be in control of things, so I'm going to select LET ME PICK.

Wow! Once I click on that, I have more options magically available. I did not memorize the Amazon ASIN for each item, so I'll click Help Me Find Products. Whee! Another window opens, with a search box for Amazon's website. This is easy! Now, search for your first book. When you find it, click on the Add This Product link just below it, and it is now part of your module. Now change the search drop-down selection to DVD and find a movie, then change to Music and find a CD. Then click the All Done button. The Amazon search window will disappear ... poof! You're back at your Amazon module, and you're pretty much done. Click the Save button. You'll see the products you selected, displayed in a vertical format.

Repeat the same steps for the second module, with the book, DVD and CD you dislike, but STOP right before you click Save and instead, scroll up and click on the other tab, Display Options. Change "Use Thumbnail View?" from Nope to Yep. Now click Save. You'll see that the thumbnails for these items are displayed horizontally. (There is a limit of 5 products per Amazon module.)

Things look a little different after you Publish. The lens that is displayed to the world does not have the editing tools in the headers, and if you're using any HTML code at all, you'll want to preview it the way the world is going to see it. If you're getting curious about how your lens looks at this point, it is okay to click Publish ... go ahead ... you've earned it.

Squidoo has some information and tips for you, so take a quick look at this confirmation page before succumbing to the urge to click View This Lens at the upper left.

Enjoy your hard work for a moment. Get a feel for how the different things you typed are now displayed. This lens, as is, really isn't going to win any Best of the Web awards ... your chances of a 5 star rating are pretty dismal. Get yourself back to the lens creation page, immediately!! (There is a link on the right to "Edit my lens" and the trusty Back browser command, but right now, let's meet our new best friend. Click on My Dashboard at the very top right.

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