Wednesday, February 6, 2008

How to Squid: Published, now what?

Remember a few steps back when I told you to take a good look at that confirmation page you saw after you published your lens for the first time?

You want people to see your page, read your advice, and possibly even share it with friends, rate it with lots of sparkly stars, add it to their favorites, maybe even join your fan club ... and chances are, you want people to buy stuff so you can make a commission.

Let's go back to the official Squidoo recommendations:

Okay, so you made a lens. And you probably hope someone other than your hamster will see it. What to do?

1. Email it. To your friends, your mom, your boss. Don't be shy about bragging, you deserve a little limelight!

2. Blog it. Post your lens to your blog. Send a note to someone you admire who runs a blog on your topic, and ask them to check out your lens. Sincere flattery gets you everywhere.

3. Link it. Link to the lens on your Facebook page, LinkedIn profile, Flickr profile, eBay auctions, email signature. Create your own little traffic network and get discovered in more places. Wouldn't you like to get found more online?

4. Group it! Find a Group that's busy talking about your topic and request to join. Get friendly, get relevant, get feedback, get found.

5. Compete. Stop by the Lens of the Day Group for inspiration from winning lenses. And if your lens is up to snuff, enter it in the contest.

P.S. For more ideas, trot on over to and see what hundreds of other lensmasters are up to...

What does it all mean? Let's break it down into Squidiot-ease.

E-mail it. WHO would like to receive this information? Make sure you don't send it to anyone who might consider it SPAM and have you banished.

Blog it. WHY blog? It gives people with similar interests a little more insight into the reasons behind your opinions. It keeps you in touch with friends and family. And your stalker appreciates it.

Link it. WHERE is the best place to share this information? One possibility is bulletin boards or message groups related to the topic. But be careful and make sure that posting your Squidoo page (a commercial link) is not prohibited or sternly frowned upon by the group. Some online classified sites are another option.

Group it. WHAT interests are shared by people who would enjoy your lens? If you build one about downhill skiing, join a Winter Sports Lovers group. Choose relevant subjects for the best results ... the Knitting & Crocheting Experts group probably doesn't want your lens on the merits of at-will flatulence.

Compete. HOW? Enter it for consideration for Lens of the Day. Make sure you've checked it carefully for spelling, grammar, punctuation and broken links or images first.

There are a lot of other ways to promote your lens.
  • I'm purchasing a small amount of daily advertising on Google to get my online photo coupon codes lens seen by people looking for free prints.
  • You might (or might not) want to add your "resume" lens URL to your business card.
  • For more ideas, search Squidoo for a lens about promoting your lenses!

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